Happy CNY


Don’t miss out. You won’t find us on any press. Only by word of mouth. Ask your friends. They’ve heard of us and have tried our cakes. We make the best cheesecakes in Singapore. Over 30 choices of cakes such as Eggless NY cheesecakes, Red velvet cakes, Vegan pineapple, double chocolate fudge, rainbow cakes. We are halal compliant.

Cake catalog: gobi.com.sg/2020/12/03/daily-bakes/

Baby fullmonth https://gobi.com.sg/2020/12/01/baby-fullmonth/

Sinless CNY goodies: https://gobi.com.sg/2021/01/03/cny-cookies/

Wedding cakes: https://gobi.com.sg/2020/12/02/custom-bakes/

Fruit enzymes for detox, catalog: brewbaga.com

whatsapp your order 96470588

visit our beautiful bakery café across Farrer Park MRT: 2 Marne Road (off Petain Road), Singapore 208393



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